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Digital Marketing - Incorporating Mobile Marketing Strategies


Smart phones or mobile phones are one of the highly used gadgets in our society. It is so personal that almost everybody in the world's population own one. With mobile marketing, you are able to market your products using SMS. By doing o, you first need to collect the phone numbers of your prospect customers and afterwards, send the information that you want to come across.


SMS Marketing


One of the most efficient way of marketing is through SMS. This is because experts say that people have a 99% chance of reading the message. It is also efficient and scalable because you only need to create a single message for a large group. Also, since messages are easily shared and forwarded, the information can easily go viral.


One of the advantages of SMS marketing is the ease of customer service. The customer can simply respond to the text message and they can easily get a response right away. And because SMS marketing is very cheap, the return on your investment or ROI can soon happen. With SMS marketing, you can advertise and launch a wide range of uses. This includes launching a new brand or a new product, announcing new services, opening events and many more to mention. View for some amazing strategic internet marketing plans.


Good Mobile Marketing By Emails


According to researches at Digital marketing in lagos, more than half of today's population uses mobiles or tablets to read their emails. And because of this, you have to make your ads clear and mobile friendly. This calls out on creating single column layouts, short headers and huge texts or buttons.


Try to incorporate directories for your advertising by listing your business into it. People actually use their smartphones to access local information. To heighten the chances of gaining more customers, consider enlisting your business on local directories, this is for your own good too.


One of the tricks to remember is never annoy your customers, or they'll end up deleting your messages even before they open or read them. Be very careful on how you send the emails (or SMS) so that they wouldn't feel bombarded. Also, avoid spamming your customers. Just to be safe, you should only send messages that are informative or important to share.


Mobile marketing is one of the increasingly popular ways of getting your business noticed. You will notice yourself that you usually see random text messages from random places, or perhaps some emails stating that your subscription with them would be beneficial to you. Mobile marketing is surely one of the ways that you cannot just neglect. Click here to avail of digital marketing services from experts.

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